Chakra Chart

Curious about Chakras? What they are, where they reside, what they affect? Look no further than my Chakra Chart!

A Chakra is a spinning vortex of light and energy located just in front of the spine. There are seven main chakras that are positioned from the tailbone to the crown of the head. The chakras are a map of your inner world – your relationship with yourself, body mind and spirit, and how you experience energy.

ChakraSymbolColorLocationFunctionMantraRelated Areas
Crown: SahasraraPurple or WhiteTop of HeadEnlightenment, Divine Wisdom, ConsciousnessOMEntire mind and body, brain, pituitary gland, nervous system
Third Eye: AjnaIndigoCenter of ForeheadIntuition, Perception, WisdomOMForehead and temples, eyes, pineal gland
Throat: VishuddhaBlueThroatCommunication, Self-Expression, AuthenticityHAMThroat, neck, shoulders, respiratory system, thyroid
Heart: AnahataGreenCenter of ChestCompassion, Love, HarmonyYAMHeart, lungs, arms, hands
Solar Plexus: ManipuraYellowJust above NavelEnergy Distribution, Personal Power, MotivationRAMMuscular system, digestive system, liver, stomach, adrenal glands
Sacral: SvadhisthanaOrangeJust below NavelEmotionality, Sexuality, CreativityVAMReproductive system, sexual organs, circulatory system
Root: MuladharaRedBase of SpineSurvival, Stability, SecurityLAMBones, bladder and elimination system, legs, feet

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