Self-Care September 2024 Invitational

2024 has been a rough year for me and for a lot of people I know. It's had me really nose down focusing on my home, my family, and doing what needs to be done. But, after our shore vacation a couple of weeks ago, I felt reinvigorated and like a new person and I wanted to do something to help not just myself but others that are going through it. It's something I have done in the past but ironically as an act of self-care for myself, I haven't done it in a couple of years.

But I'm back and it's coming back and I wanted to announce it and also to let you know of some additional things I am doing for it. So what is IT? I'm really excited to let you guys know that I am doing my Self-Care September 2024 Invitational!

What is that? For those who don't know, first let me explain the use of Invitational. I am not presenting a challenge - to me a challenge denotes either competition or difficulty and the last thing self-care should be is either one of those. I am INVITING you, through this invitational to participate in Self-Care September in a way that works for you. Want to do each invitation on each specific day I suggest? Fantastic! Want to pick and choose which invitations you want to do? Works for me. Want to use this as inspiration to go off and find your own acts of self-care? You do you. This is not a challenge, this should not be difficult, and no one is going to win the "I completed Self-Care September" trophy.

So that's the premise but let me explain how it has worked in the past and will continue to work and then what I am adding on to it this time around.

Below I am posting every day's self-care invitation for September. I am also posting this on Instagram and Facebook. I do this so you can have time to prepare. Each week, starting on Sunday (and how amazing that this Self-Care September starts on Self Care Sunday??) I will post the list for the week on Instagram and Facebook as a reminder. So go ahead and follow me on those apps, links at the very bottom of the page! Each day, for 30 days, I will post about the self-care invitation for that day while giving suggestions, context, the whys and the hows so you have a daily reminder and daily encouragement. That's how it's gone down in the past and that's how I will orchestrate this invitational on social media. So that will be on Instagram and Facebook.

As you can see below, the first couple of weeks of invitations are super low touch, not a ton of time or money or scheduling to worry about, that is on purpose. The last half of the month is where I stacked the things you may need to plan and pay for, but there are alternatives if you don't want to spend any money or schedule anything. And it's really not even that much, just a couple of things.

What I am adding is…. If you are a member of my email list, you will be receiving exclusive added content each week of Self-Care September. There will be a blog post for each week relating to one or more invitations which will be publicly available here on my site BUT… email subscribers will receive access to 2 bonus videos each week. These are meditations, yoga classes, things like that. They will only be accessible to email subscribers for the entirety of Self-Care September. So, if you want access to the added goodness, head to the homepage (or any nonblog page), find the form at the bottom, drop your name and email, and boom you're on the list. On the homepage you can also sign up for my Everyday Crystal Healing Quick Reference Guide which is free and that will automatically add you to the list.

So email subscribers get bonus content!! I will not be emailing subscribers every day of September, just once a week so I'm not spamming your inbox I promise. I am also not selling anything right now so this is not a bait and switch.

So if you are interested in my Self-Care September 2024 Invitational without having to wade through the 'gram to find me, sign up for my email list.

I'm really excited. If you've done my Self-Care September Invitational before, there are some repeats, but there's a lot of new stuff added in as well and the added content I'm really excited about. So I hope to see you over email or on social and I can't wait to hear how Self-Care September goes for you, I know we all need it so much.

The daily rundown:

  • 9/1 – Cleanse your space and energy (#selfcaresunday)
  • 9/2 – Manifest for the New Moon
  • 9/3 – Meditate (even if only for 5 minutes)
  • 9/4 – Unfollow/mute accounts on social media that are toxic or make you feel “less”
  • 9/5 – Take a drive and sing at the top of your lungs
  • 9/6 – Get 10 minutes of unblocked sunlight (weather permitting!)
  • 9/7 – Get an extra hour (or two!) of sleep
  • 9/8 – Take 20 minutes to read a book that speaks to your passion (#selfcaresunday)
  • 9/9 – Check in with your Chakras
  • 9/10 – Work on personal maintenance
  • 9/11 – Spend 10 minutes focusing on deep, slow breathing
  • 9/12 – Play/relax around water - ocean, stream, watch videos of a waterfall or ocean waves
  • 9/13 – Find a fun workout video on YouTube you’ve never done before
  • 9/14 – Take a long, relaxing bath or shower
  • 9/15 – Reflect on where you are and how far you have come (#selfcaresunday)
  • 9/16 – Book yourself a massage, mani, pedi, facial or other
  • 9/17 – Release and Forgive for the Full Moon
  • 9/18 – Create your own mantra
  • 9/19 – Tidy up and organize one area of your home
  • 9/20 – Experiment with energy work
  • 9/21 – Take a nature walk
  • 9/22 – Take time to prepare your favorite meal (#selfcaresunday)
  • 9/23 – Make time for your favorite hobby
  • 9/24 – Do some yoga (or some stretching)
  • 9/25 – Buy yourself flowers
  • 9/26 – Update your “bucket list”
  • 9/27 – Experiment with sound healing
  • 9/28 – Indulge in something special for yourself
  • 9/29 – Write a letter to your future self (#selfcaresunday)
  • 9/30 – Find something healthy and positive to learn more about