Chakra Healing Crystal Chart

A large aspect of crystal healing is utilizing certain stones for certain chakras. If you're new to Chakras, you can click over to my Chakra Chart to learn more. Below is a collection of a few crystals that are helpful for each of the seven main chakras. It's by no means an exhaustive list, but something to help you get started on your crystal healing journey!

root chakra Root Chakra

Red Jasper - Increases energy, brings the physical and emotional into balance, induces calm

Hematite - Promotes grounding, assists in energetically connecting to the earth, transforms negative energies into positive vibration

Snowflake Obsidian - Provides sense of security, removes fear and worry, helps you stay centered in a chaotic situation

sacral chakra Sacral Chakra

Carnelian - Stimulates creativity and sexuality, strengthens intuition, restores vitality and motivation

Orange Calcite - Increases vitality, will, sexual energy, and playfulness, eases depression and helps you work through emotional issues

Moonstone - Both opens and soothes the sacral chakra, enhances creative abilities, can reveal feminine power to women

solar plexus chakra Solar Plexus Chakra

Citrine - Broadcasts the energy of prosperity, enhances personal power and worldly success

Yellow Jasper - Improves mood and protects personal energy, amplifies self-confidence and courage

Pyrite - Increases positive energy, relieves anxiety, encourages overcoming fears, inspires taking action

heart chakra Heart Chakra

Green Aventurine - Comforts and protects the heart, brings well-being and emotional calm

Jade - Aids in emotional release to harmonize the heart, increases love and nurturing

Rose Quartz - Attracts love, strengthens empathy, brings unconditional love and infinite peace, releases negativity

throat chakra Throat Chakra

Blue Chalcedony - Improves communication, stimulates telepathy and communications with spirit

Blue Calcite - Encourages inspiration, assists with communication, reveals how words or thoughts affect reality

Turquoise - Releases suppressed self-expression, emboldens shy people to speak from the heart

third eye chakra Third Eye Chakra

Sodalite - Increases intuitive abilities, calms the mind and aligns it to higher self

Lapis Lazuli - Reveals inner truth, and promotes self-awareness, opens the mind, aids conscious detachment from our realm

Sugilite - Teaches and protects in matters of spiritual quests, love, and forgiveness, reveals innermost motivations, thoughts, & beliefs

crown chakra Crown Chakra

Amethyst - Calms and focuses the mind, enhances development of intuitive and psychic ability, opens access to the spirit realm

Howlite - Focuses mind during meditation, provides wisdom and enlightenment, helps connect to spirit realm

Selenite - Helps bring your highest consciousness into the physical realm, provides clarity of mind and aura cleansing