Easy Ways To Set Yourself Up For Food Success
I do not need to spend 4 hours every weekend batch cooking everything I'm going to eat throughout the coming week. And neither do you.
Word of the Year
I always encourage people to choose a word or phrase that embodies what they're wanting to call in for the next year and then keep that word or phrase top of mind throughout the year to maintain focus.
Focus for 2025
Starting a new year with focus and intention, rather than restrictive resolutions can lead to greater success.
Shutting Down Shame with Shadow Work
One of the main reasons we avoid Shadow Work is because of shame. It’s a powerful emotion that keeps us stuck in self-loathing or self-rejection. But here’s the truth: shame is bullshit.
Being Your Own Cheerleader
We know that when our thoughts and our words and our actions are in alignment with the things we want, that energy is projected into the universe as a signal that we are ready and open to receiving those things that we want.
Lessons I Have Learned in my 45 Years
I actually used to create a document of my life plan and try to detail out what I want to accomplish each year ahead. I don't do that anymore because my life took too many twists and turns for me to check the appropriate goal off my list at the exact time I planned for it. That was a lesson in and of itself.