Using Water for Energetic Cleansing

As you may know, I have a free Webinar about Self-Care entitled “You Don’t Need a Damn Bubble Bath” that discusses other ways in which you can care for your energy and love yourself WITHOUT it meaning you have to take a bath. HOWEVER… baths are one of my favorite self-care tools but not for the reasons you may think.

Some of my favorite acts of self-care involve water for energetic
cleansing reasons. Of course we know that water is our most powerful physical
cleanser, we use it to wash our bodies, our dishes, our clothes, our cars…
almost everything we have gets washed with a base of water. But the use of
water is equally important for energetic cleansing.

What do I mean by this? Think about all the energetic ways
we like to break up stuck energy. We use sound, vibrations, crystals, anything
that has resonance that will shake up stuck energy and release it from our
field. Water, in any state, acts the same way. From an energetic perspective,
it is known for cleansing and purifying, washing away blockages and negative
energy to restore a healthy flow.

While you may not feel this stuck energy washing away, water
also gives us a wonderful visual, sensory, and auditory tool. 

In the shower, you can imagine all of your negative thought patterns,
stuck energy, and energetic muck flowing down the drain as you wash it all away
under the water falling from the showerhead.

In the bath, you can feel yourself enveloped by the warm water
like a big hug supporting you as you release your tension and stress. This is
especially true for those with physical touch as their love language (Me! Me!).
The sensation of being surrounded by water can meet that personal need.

Any sort of exposure to natural water sounds – seeing or
hearing – actually slows down your brain waves, reduces your heart rate and lowers
your blood pressure because the sounds denote a sense of peace and safety.
These sounds activate the parasympathetic nervous system, bringing you out of
your fight or flight stress response. 

My favorite way to energetically cleanse with water is to
swim in the ocean. Not only does standing in the sand at the bottom of the
ocean ground me (connecting to the massive amount of free electrons on the
surface of the earth0, but as I let the waves crash over me I envision how much
my energy is being cleansed, renewed, and refreshed. I’ve never come out of the
ocean feeling down or negative.

There are many other ways in which water can be an important
energetic cleanser and a wonderful self-care tool, so I encourage you to find
the ways of working with water that suit your energy best because, like I said,
you don’t necessarily need a damn bubble bath!