It’s not going to happen for you

I see people wanting it so badly, talking about it incessantly.

“I want to lose weight”

“I want to get healthy”

“I want to start exercising”

“I want to feel better”

“I want to fit into my old clothes”

“I want to have more energy”

On and on… Sound familiar? You want to make a change so you think that if you buy the fancy exercise equipment and get new workout shoes or an expensive mat, it will happen for you.

But it’s not going to happen for you.

Unless… you address the root cause rather than the symptom. You fell into (or continued) a pattern of unwellness and low vibrational living not because you started eating more or stopped moving your body. Those are just the symptoms of the greater issue.

Think back to a time when you felt really good. Not when you felt “thin” or felt like you looked good, but a time when you FELT good. Felt well, happy, healthy, and vibrant. What was going on in your life? What was keeping you at that higher vibration of wellness?

Now think about where you are now. If you connect with any of those “I want” statements above, I can guarantee you that something in your life shifted from then to now. Lifestyle changes, especially unwanted ones, have a bigger impact on your overall health and wellbeing than anything else. You can be drinking all the green juice and eating all the salads and counting all the macros or calories and if something is off balance in your life, your health goals are not going to happen for you.

The problem is not WHAT you’re eating or how you’re moving, the problem is WHY.

Tackling what’s happening in your life to make you want to sabotage your wellness is the solution. The fancy stationary bike will only take you so far, especially once it’s in the corner collecting dust. Your motivation only has so much stamina while your lifestyle remains the same.

I take my clients through specific exercises and in depth-discussions that unearth areas of their life that need their attention to enhance their overall wellness. Often they don’t even realize that those are the areas that are hindering them from success in their health and wellness. This is why a holistic approach with the expertise of a wellness coach is so important.

If you want to figure out how to improve stuck areas of your life so you can increase your wellness and live a higher vibrational life, I’m here to help.