Making Life Better Not Harder

I want to let you in on something…

Everything I do is part of a master plan. None of it is by accident. None of it is just on impulse. None of it is just me flitting from one thing to the next because I’m not focused, no matter how it may look on the outside.

I’m not doing 75 Hard just because I want to add more to my plate and make my life more difficult.

I didn’t leave my kids with sitters and go through 200 Hours of Yoga Teacher Training over 8 months just for fun.

I didn’t spend 3 hours or more 5-6 nights a week for an entire year training to be a Health Coach because I didn’t have anything better to do.

And so on… these are just a few of the things I've taken on.

From the outside, it may look like taking on these projects make my already full life more challenging and stressful. While balancing my schedule and energy takes a bit of extra care, I am by no means making my life harder. I am making it BETTER. This is intentional. I have outcomes in mind and I know what it takes to get there.

Let's talk about 75 Hard for a moment. I haven’t really posted much about it, but it is defined as a "Mental Toughness Challenge." It's not just about fitness, it's about a holistic reset of your entire outlook. Clearing the

decks for you to reach and exceed your goals.

The basic program is 75 Days of the following:

  • 2 45 minute workouts, one has to be outside

  • 1 gallon of water

  • Follow a diet of your choosing for your goals

  • No cheat meals and not alcohol

  • 10 pages of a non-fiction/personal development/business book

  • 1 Progress photo

If you miss one, you start over at day 1. I’m on day 22 now. I feel amazing and am already crushing some goals in my life that I set forth to accomplish, knowing that this program was going to help me do so.

When I first told people I was doing 75 Hard, there were a lot of varied reactions from "good for you!" to "that's just being set up for failure!" There was a lot of "I couldn't do that" and I don't actually believe those people because I believe that if someone wants the results enough, they'll do the work to get there, no matter what the parameters are.

  • If you want to be a yoga teacher, you'll go through the 200 hours of training.

  • If you want to be a health coach, you'll go through the year of training.

  • If you want to attain "Mental Toughness," you'll go through 75 Hard or a similar challenge.

  • If you want an outcome bad enough, you'll do the work to get there, period.

So, what is the outcome that you want?

Lose weight? Feel better? Detox your body? Raise your vibration?

If you're ready to do the work because you want the outcome bad enough, I can help. I understand. I've been there. I can help you make your life BETTER, not harder.